Via PBase
Ever wonder why so many people appear to be asleep these days? Ever wonder why so many people are becoming seriously ill with conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, (early) Alzheimer's, autoimmune diseases, autism, etc? Ever wonder why depression and violence are on the rise? Ever wonder why it feels like the world is closing in around us?
If so, then please read on...
1. Television
Television is the most effective brainwashing/social engineering tool that has ever been created. Television controls us on multiple levels. It effectively programs our desires, fears and general perception of the world around us. In the past, television "programming" was accomplished mainly through the use of emotionally charged imagery, subliminal messages, flicker rate (creating a hypnotic/suggestible state of mind) and the continuous repetition of desired ideals.
However, since the inception of digital TV, programming now includes highly effective (hidden) electronic methods such as SSSS (Silent Sound Spread Spectrum) technology and the use of the UHF broadcast signal itself as a carrier wave to deliver specific radio frequencies which can act directly on the brain and influence behavior.
To illustrate just how important TV is to the social programming agenda, several years ago the US government spent billions of dollars (conservatively) to make sure that "no child was left behind" during the transition to digital TV and to insure that everyone would have full access to digital broadcast television. In a document titled the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, the US government outlined the expenditures that it planned to make in order to transition the US population from analog TV to digital TV:
$1,500,000,000 - Cost of Digital TV converter box coupons (yes that is 1.5 billion dollars)
$160,000,000 - Distribution (administration) of Digital TV converter box coupons
$1,000,000,000 - Establishment of the "Digital Television Transition and Public Safety Fund" (where do they come up with these names?)
Plus - Hundreds of millions dollars more in administrative costs
After adding up all of expenditures for the transition (just in this document alone), the amount comes out to roughly $2.7 billion dollars that was spent in order to make sure that we all have access to digital TV.
2. The Mainstream Media and Entertainment Industry
Today, the mainstream media is owned and controlled by six major corporations. Unfortunately, most of the great journalism of the past has now been replaced with "newspeak" and robotic teleprompter readers. Deviation from the canned story (dialog) is openly discouraged in many news organizations today. In fact, engaging in such (unwelcome) behavior has actually resulted in the termination of employment in some cases.
Plainly stated, the mainstream news media that we see today is not unlike the historical "Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda" (the agency which enforced Nazi Party ideology and regulated Germany's culture and society).
The modern entertainment industry is full of subliminal messages and occult symbolism. Much of the music and film that is produced by the industry today is specifically targeted at youth. There is an old slogan which states "Whoever controls the youth, controls the future". There was also an infamous leader who once stated "He alone, who owns the youth, owns the future" (Adolf Hitler).
During the last decade, the imagery in music, movies and print has been steadily moving towards the "dark side" (in a rather alarming trend). This transition has been mostly incremental and insidious in nature. Therefore, much of the general population has become slowly acclimated to it rather than openly opposed to it. Many people (and celebrities) have actually become unknowingly indoctrinated into the control system through the overt and covert occult messages and symbols which are intricately interwoven into the images, music, video and various products of the entertainment industry.
3. Money
Money makes the world go round. The controllers would like us to believe that the whole purpose of this existence is to collect as much money as possible so that we can buy as many things as possible. The ultimate goal of course is buy a big house so we can store all of the things that we collect. Since money is a scarce commodity (for the average consumer), debt was created in order to help fill in the gaps of that money scarcity. Money is the perceived freedom and the realized servitude (debt) of this existence. The "things" that we buy and the debt that we incur is the anchor (or ball and chain) that keeps us forever tied to the system.
The necessity and need for money also keeps us quiet. People, families, homes and cars all require money. We have been conditioned (by example) that speaking out or standing up isn't always compatible with the accumulation of money. In the workplace, being a "team player" and conforming to the corporate 'cult'ure is usually associated with moving up the ladder. Those that step outside of the hive (speak out/stand up/or criticize corporate policy) are less likely to be considered for promotions or tenured positions and are more likely to be laid off or let go during hard economic times.
Therefore, in this fragile economic climate, the fear of losing a job often takes precedence over ethical considerations in government, pharma, police, military, media, medical and other professions. The system rules over us because we support it in order to survive. And while we support the system, we are producing the very same products and services that are controlling us and killing us (GMO's, toxic pharmaceuticals, fraudulent medical practices, the police state/military industrial complex, bloated government administration, mainstream media, chemicals (fluoride, pesticides, etc). As economic woes continue and unemployment rises, the need for conformity in the workplace also increases in order to ensure job security.
4. Big Pharma
In modern (western) society, we have been conditioned to accept the idea that we all need pharmaceuticals in order to remain healthy. When a single drug fails to live up to its promises, additional pharmaceuticals are usually added to the "cure" or to help counter the undesirable effects of the first drugs. The cycle is somewhat analogous to the "revolving door" between the FDA and the Big Pharma companies...once you are in the system it's a never ending circle (only without the financial benefits that Big Pharma executives enjoy).
Pharmaceuticals are highly toxic to our system and create a multitude of undesirable effects on our minds and bodies. The adverse effects that these drugs have on our memory, behavior patterns, cognitive function, sleep patterns, hormones, major organs (liver, kidneys, heart, brains, etc) and long-term health is astonishing. Many modern SSRI's (antidepressants) literally act as virtual chemical lobotomies in the brain and work to destroy that which makes us human (suppressing desirable attributes such as compassion, creativity, empathy, caring, etc).
There has been a phenomenal rise in the use of SSRI's during the last decade, especially in very young children. Associated with that increase, we have seen many bizarre shootings and acts of violence that were quite rare before the widespread use of these drugs began. Children with developing brains are most likely being permanently affected by SSRI's. Adults and children alike often complain that these drugs make them "feel nothing" or make them feel like a "zombie".
Perhaps this one of the reasons why we have seen the astronomical increase in the use of these drugs by military personnel (encouraged in large part military doctors). No doubt this is a continuation towards the stated goal of the military to develop a more perfect fighting without care, compassion or empathy (human attributes which are certainly unwelcome in the battlefield).
Are we controlled? Would a non-controlled population willingly accept (and pay for) chemical poison just because it is suggested to them by someone wearing a white coat? We trust doctors because we have been conditioned and programmed to do so. Most doctors, however, have been trained in universities which are funded and controlled by Big Pharma. As such, many mainstream doctors have been programmed and conditioned to ignore highly effective natural remedies and instead favor highly toxic (lucrative) pharmaceuticals. Doctors are tracked by the type and number of prescriptions that they make and are rewarded for their efforts by Big Pharma through hidden-in-plain-sight bribes disguised as "consulting fees".
There used to be a golden rule (Hippocratic Oath) that doctors were bound by..."first do no harm". Not any more. Perhaps this is just another casualty of the modern commercialized, capitalized and commoditized world that we live in.
5. Peer Consensus/Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is one of the most effective behavior modifying mechanisms of the control grid. Fear of what others think of us rules much of our behavior. Peer pressure, in effect, is the sheepdog of the flock.
In social circles or corporate associations (industry memberships), conformity rules while black sheep are often isolated from the flock. In other words, those that support the hive are usually rewarded with membership perks, while those with dissenting opinions are usually shunned. It's a powerful herding mechanism that creates collective thought patterns and ideals that support the agendas of the few at the expense of the individuals contained within the whole of society.
6. Education
Public education teaches us to be good and obedient citizens, not free thinking intelligent beings.
7. Internet
The internet is responsible for some of the greatest leaps in knowledge/understanding that we see today. It has been the engine for much truth and discovery over the last decade. However, it has also drawn us deeper into the virtual world and away from the natural world. It keeps us indoors much of the time and more isolated from others (real human beings). It has become a vehicle for the anonymous/faceless hatred of others.
The internet is also a highly effective tracking, data mining and social engineering tool for the controllers. Social engineering agendas can now be disseminated with lightening quick efficiency (and anonymously) by virtually anyone. Intelligence agencies use this medium extensively to illicit and instigate desired behavior in targeted groups and individuals from around the world. Why do regional/worldwide riots and "springs" appear to be breaking out simultaneously these days? Could it be that existing tensions are being manipulated, managed and encouraged via the internet (please see "social media" and "microwave/EMF" below as well)?
8. Social Media
Social media has some obvious benefits. However, it was designed specifically for social control, not social contact. What if the CIA/NSA asked everybody worldwide to upload a photo of themselves, post photos of friends/family, provide a summary of their background, details their social life, links to their favorite sites and then update their personal database periodically in the future? Would people comply with that request? On the other hand, what if they introduced a free "service", got people hooked on that service and then incrementally removed privacy protections so that various agencies could easily data-mine this enormous social database?
What if this service was actually designed by psychologists to specifically target the ego (one of the most powerful control "portals" to the human psyche) and provide "food" which constantly fed and reinforced the needs of its users...belonging, ego, page views, virtual friends, "likes", etc? Would that be an effective way to influence behavior and keep people tied/addicted to that service (despite privacy concerns)? Are our virtual friends really friends? Take a look at this Air Force job solicitation request for software to control 10 virtual "personas" per user without detection Persona Management Software. Is the Air Force the only agency that is interested in (or posses) such software?
The NSA is currently constructing a massive "data center" in Utah. The $1.2 billion National Security Agency Data Center at Camp Williams is one of the largest construction projects in the US...
"The state-of-the-art facility will include 100,000 square feet of a Tier III raised floor data center to support the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and 900,000 square feet of technical support and administrative space. Nicknamed "The Spy Center," the Utah Data Center will use the climate controlled environment of its computerized core as a repository for information gathered by different branches of the country's intelligence apparatus. The facility will be the nation's first Intelligence Community Comprehensive National Cyber Security Initiative Data Center." (reported by Utah Facilities, September 14, 2011)
State of the art data (surveillance) facilities such as these have the ability to gather massive amounts of data from multiple sources concurrently and then analyze the results very quickly. By scanning large online social databases such as Facebook or Twitter, emerging social trends can be identified, analyzed and modified almost at will. Trends that fall outside of state sponsored agendas can be tweaked very effectively via the corporate controlled media or by the army of paid anonymous/faceless internet "sheepdogs" currently employed by various intelligence agencies.
9. Smart phones, tablets and personal media devices
Corporations introduce cool gadgets (distractions) to the consuming public, get us addicted to the technology and then they incrementally remove privacy features little by little while subsequently adding various tracking/remote disabling abilities. Do the masses rebel against such practices? Do we stop using these products? Or do we line up in the streets to get the latest model? Again, it begs the question, are we a conditioned/programmed society?
10. Microwave/EMF (electromagnetic fields)
It seems that we have been effectively programmed to automatically associate the word "microwave" with "tin-foil hat". This association (like so many others) has been subliminally programmed into our sub-conscious mind by the mainstream media. The question is why is there so much interest in discounting or discrediting such a word and any speaker that dares to utter its sound?
Microwaves occupy the lower half of the electromagnetic spectrum. Microwaves are used in a variety of communications and weapons technologies today including radar, cell phones, Wi-Fi, Smart Meters, cordless phones, baby monitors, Bluetooth, GPS, radio astronomy, microwave ovens, satellites, military communications, HAARP, mobile HAARP (Sea-Based X-band Radar), Active Denial System (a military directed energy weapon) and other classified military weapons.
We are literally bathed in a constant soup of microwave radiation and electromagnetic energy every day. The radiation that is produced by microwaves is referred to as non-ionizing radiation (as opposed to ionizing "radioactive" radiation from radiological sources/devices). Although, technically, the power of non-ionizing radiation is less than that of ionizing radiation, the detrimental effects on living tissue can be much the same.
Some of the side effects/symptoms of (higher power) microwave radiation exposure include:
Racing/Irregular heartbeat
Pressure and/or ringing in the ears
Cognitive dysfunction
Memory loss
Dizziness/vertigo - feeling of seasickness, sometimes with nausea
Coordination problems
Unexplained fatigue or weakness
Significant changes in mood - agitation, depression, confusion, sleep disturbances
Thermal heating (at higher power)
Strange skin sensations - feeling of small electrical shocks, tingling, pins/needles, etc.
Interference with a wide range of biological functions
Some of the possible long-term health effects include:
Various blood cancers - leukemia, lymphoma...cancer clusters have been observed in areas near high EMF sources (especially cell towers)
Brain tumors - from cell phone use
Immune dysfunction
Eye degeneration - including cataracts
Reproductive and internal organ damage
DNA damage and/or manipulation
Behavioral problems
The adverse effects that are experienced by an individual depend on a variety of factors including:
Power and frequency of the signal
How the microwaves are modulated (pulsed microwaves disrupt biological functions significantly more than continuous microwaves)
Individual sensitivity to radio waves and/or electromagnetic radiation
Whether the microwaves are designed for communications use or for covert/overt weaponry use
The entire US (and much of the rest of the world) has been invaded with multi-use cell towers (microwave/wimax/other). People living in close proximity to these towers have experienced a wide variety of adverse effects. In addition, some cancer and suicide clusters (larger than normal numbers) have developed around the towers.
During World War II, radar operators regularly reported experiencing clicks and buzzing sounds (microwave auditory effect) and other adverse effects from high power microwave exposure. It wasn't too long after this that the military (USSR initially) began to experiment with microwaves for weapons use. Interestingly, many of the Soviet (and US) experiments involving weapons use and psychological manipulation with microwaves occurred around (or exactly at) the same frequencies and pulsed-modulations that are now being used in many consumer and utility (smart meter) communication products (900MHz and 2400MHz specifically). Is this just a coincidence?
The fact is that this technology is currently being used to influence and control the population in many parts of the world. It can be used to invoke a variety of behaviors including aggression, agitation, apathy or submissiveness. The Soviets (decades ago) actually mapped the brain frequencies associated with many emotions, behaviors and bodily functions.
Want to create an apathetic population? How about an agitated population? Want to create a perpetual feeling of fear? How about depression (great for the pharma industry). Want to agitate protestors or police at a demonstration? How about encourage aggressive behavior in military personnel? It's all possible with this technology.
This technology can be delivered via a variety of methods including commercial cell towers, Gwen towers, HAARP/Mobile HAARP (and other similar facilities), Smart Meters and mobile systems designed for targeted groups or individuals. Interestingly, the so-called Smart Meters aren't so smart. Many of these devices actually emit very high intensity pulsed microwaves (just like military weapons systems). Is it any wonder that there are so many people getting sick from these things? Again, is this just a coincidence? Bad engineering? Or perhaps it is something else?
This is not new technology. And this is not science fiction. This is a mature, very effective and highly dangerous technology that is being used by people who could care less about those who are exposed to it including highly susceptible segments of the population such as small children and the elderly.
Think that the government wouldn't do such a thing? Think again.
(Read the original article here)
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