By an admin at
A “root canal” is a procedure that a dentist uses to allow a patient to keep a dead tooth in his or her mouth. The fallacy with this concept is that the body doesn’t like dead things in it and will try, sometimes desperately, to get rid of the dead thing. Notwithstanding, the fact that it may be “handy” to save a tooth for “dental convenience”, it does not change the fact that root canal treatments can devastate the human immune system. “Root canals” cause:
Suppression of the immune system
The creation of an “interference field” on the meridian that the particular tooth is on (meridian – a channel of energy that flows between different tissues, organs and structures).
The production of the most toxic organic substance known to man.
Root-canal fillings can cause serious side effects. Dr. Weston Price is recognized as the greatest researcher that the dental profession has ever produced. Dr. Price, after observing many patients with crippling degenerative diseases not responding to treatment, suspected infected root canal-filled teeth to be the cause. He then embarked on a 25 – year-long study to see if his suspicions were correct. This study was done during the first 3 decades of the 20th century! However this information was not shared with us when we were dental students so we had a big void in our dental education where root canals are concerned. Dr. Price devised a testing method which disclosed the presence of infection in a tooth which otherwise seemed to be healthy – that is, the implanting of the root canal filled tooth under the skin of a laboratory animal. He found that when the root-filled tooth of a patient with a degenerative disease was extracted and embedded in an animal, that animal would develop the patient’s disease. He did this in over 5000 animal studies and the results were consistent. In the beginning, Dr. Price did not know just where the infection was hiding in the tooth, only that a patient’s illness was rapidly transferred from his root-filled tooth to laboratory animals in case after case. Dr. Price was able to culture the bacteria in root-filled teeth and trap their toxins, reproducing a disease in a rabbit by injecting the cultured material into the animal. Dr. Price discovered a wide variety of degenerative diseases to be transferable to rabbits, such as endocarditis and other heart diseases, kidney and bladder diseases, arthritis, rheumatism, mental diseases, lung problems, pregnancy complications, almost any degenerative problem – and after extraction of these teeth, a large percentage of patients recovered from their illnesses.
This very severe arthritis was getting progressively worse in this 16 year old boy (pictured above) who had been bedridden since age 12! It progressively improved after the removal of dental infections.
When sound, uninfected natural teeth were implanted in animals, no adverse health effects were experienced. This vitally important research was forced underground, and has remained virtually unknown since its 1923 publication. Millions of people are ill, suffering from degenerative diseases for which the medical profession is at a loss regarding cause and treatment; the degenerative disease problem continues to bankrupt our people and country. Today we know that the toxins made by the bacteria that live by the billions in root-canal teeth contain the most toxic organic substance known to man – Thio-ethers. Thio-ethers are 1000 times more toxic than botulism toxin, which used to be considered the most toxic organic substance. So from a practical standpoint, one would be well-advised to worry less about anthrax and instead, focus on root canals which are much more likely to cause you personal harm. In addition to Thio-ethers, other severe toxins from these root-canal bacteria include Thio-ethanols and Mercaptans which have been found in the tumors of women who have breast cancer, draining through the lymphatic system down the cervical chain of lymph nodes and ultimately in to the breast tissue. Besides being harbored in root canals, these dangerous bacteria also take up residence in Cavitations which result from most extracted teeth (see Cavitations). Thus one can get a “double-whammy” from the root canals and the cavitations.
A tooth is basically comprised of 3 layers. The enamel (what we see when we look at another person’s teeth, the hard, white attractive outer layer of the tooth), the pulp (a tiny island of soft tissue at the center of the tooth – the same place in a tooth that a core would be in an apple – the so-called “nerve”), and the dentin. Dentin accounts for about 90% of the tooth. When looked at under a microscope, dentin has a very specific structure. It is made up of “jillions” of incredibly tiny tubules that radiate outward from the pulp to the outer edge of the tooth (See picture below).
If one could some how take each of one of these “jillions” of “tubules” in a front tooth and lay them end to end, they would stretch for 3 miles. These dentinal tubules are like tiny pipes that radiate outward from the pulp to the outer surface of the tooth – kind of like spokes of a wheel (if you think of a cross-section of a tooth). The centers of these tubules are filled with living protoplasm. The protoplasm in these tubules has no blood supply so it depends on the blood vessels in the pulp for it’s nourishment or sustenance. Once a “root-canal” is done to a tooth, the pulp is gone (sacrificed) – which makes a root canal tooth a dead tooth – anexpensive, dead tooth. Now the protoplasm in these miles and miles of dentinal tubules dies, and these tubules become a “dandy” place for bacteria to hang out. They have “free eats” on the dead, decaying protoplasm in the tubules. These tubules are 1 to 1.3 microns in diameter- big enough to accommodate bacteria, but too small to allow entry of white blood cells (which are the body’s principal way of controlling excessive bacterial populations). Now your root-canal tooth becomes a bacteria factory. The bacteria now are cloistered away from the body’s defenses and thus have free reign to proliferate. Existing inside the tooth, these bacteria have no access to air so they mutate into the anaerobic form – the kind that can live in the absence of air. When the bacteria mutate, their metabolism changes so that they give off waste products that are incredibly toxic. These toxins include Thio-ethers, Thio-ethanols, and Mercaptons (See above text, also see Cavitations).
(View the original article here)
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