I was puzzled. My son could eat yogurt, ice cream, kefir, cheese, etc. but could NOT touch whole milk without being sick for several days thereafter. Dairy was dairy, right? Wrong! It was not until recently that we discovered my son's underlying condition - a milk protein intolerance.
Milk protein intolerances in children are at skyrocketing levels. Many parents do not understand why their children have developed these intolerances, oftentimes, out of nowhere (as was my son's case). It wasn't until I connected the vaccine-related dots that I got the full picture.
Food Intolerances Versus Food Allergies
To begin, it is very important to distinguish between food intolerances and food allergies.
"A food intolerance means that the body has difficulty digesting a certain food and is sensitive to it, causing gas, bloating, nausea, diarrhea or stomach pain.
A food allergy affects the immune system, wherein the body believes that a certain food is harmful so the immune system responds with an allergic reaction that can cause rashes, hives and even anaphylaxis." (Source)
What is CMPI?
It is also important to distinguish between Cow’s milk protein intolerance (CMPI) and lactose intolerance.
"CMPI is an abnormal response by the body's immune system to a protein found in cow's milk, which causes injury to the stomach and intestines. Cow's milk protein intolerance is not lactose intolerance." (Source)
"Cow’s milk protein intolerance, or CMPI, is a condition in which the body’s immune system reacts to protein found in cow’s milk. The immune system normally protects our bodies from harm caused by bacteria or viruses. For infants with CMPI, their immune system reacts unusually to the protein found in cow’s milk, and the reaction can cause injury to your child’s stomach and intestines." (Source)
CMPI Symptoms
"CMPI symptoms will usually develop within the first week of starting cow’s milk in their diet. The signs might manifest as a skin rash or eczema, or involve the GI tract, such as vomiting, abdominal pain, blood in the stool, mucousy stool, and diarrhea. Prolonged issues in infants could lead to wheezing, irritability and poor growth / failure to thrive." (Source)
Did you know that it has been documented, throughout history, that vaccines cause food allergies/intolerances, specifically milk protein intolerances?
Vaccines and Food Intolerances/Sensitivities - History
Per the Journal of Developing Drugs: Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy,
Nobel Laureate Charles Richet demonstrated over a hundred years ago that injecting proteins into humans or animals causes immune system sensitization to that protein. Subsequent exposure to the same protein can result in anaphylaxis. Let’s call it the Richet allergy model. Wells [4] demonstrated in 1908 that injecting as little as 50 ng of ovalbumin into guinea pigs resulted in sensitization. Subsequent injections of ovalbumin resulted in an allergic reaction.
In 1940, Cooke et al. [5] describe induction of allergy by a tetanus vaccine. In 1952, Ratner et al. [6] were concerned about the possibility of sensitization to egg following the administration of influenza vaccines that are manufactured using chicken eggs. They studied a group of 319 subjects and found that 5 of them developed dermal sensitivity to egg following vaccination with vaccines containing egg proteins. All the subjects in the study were undergoing treatment for tuberculosis. The authors probably did not know that tuberculosis infection may offer protection against allergy [7]. They therefore found sensitization in 1.6% of vaccine recipients, even in a population that was protected from allergy, by tuberculosis infection. Yamane et al. [8] demonstrated a significant increase in anti-ovalbumin IgE in 36 out of 100 subjects following influenza vaccination. In 1999, Nakayama et al. [9] found evidence of a causal relationship between administration of acellular pertussis vaccine combined with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTaP) and the development of gelatin allergy.
Vaccines and Food Intolerances - How Does This Happen?
Per the FDA, "Vaccines contain either killed or weakened forms of disease-causing bacteria or viruses, or components of these that stimulate a response by the body's immune system, which then protects against the development of disease."
In short, vaccines cause an immune response to components of said vaccine. Vaccines "train" the body to "attack" these components when the body is exposed to them. In relation to milk protein intolerances, specifically, many children develop milk protein allergies due to exposure to bovine derived materials via vaccines.
Furthermore, Food based dietary patterns and chronic disease prevention states:
"Food protein containing vaccines program the immune system to recognize food as pathogens."
They go on to explain that "Injecting cow's milk containing vaccines causes IgE mediated sensitization to cow's milk proteins (bovine casein, bovine folate receptor (FR) proteins, bovine insulin etc.) Subsequently consuming cow's milk (either because allergy is mild or oral immunotherapy) causes synthesis of IgG4 against all of the above proteins."
Food allergies were also found in several case studies post vaccination per Non-specific immunological effects of selected routine childhood immunisations: systematic review.
In the Journal of Developing Drugs: Evidence that Food Proteins in Vaccines Cause the Development of Food Allergies and Its Implications for Vaccine Policy, it is explicitly stated that:
"Numerous studies have demonstrated that food proteins contained in vaccines/injections induce food allergy. The IOM’s authoritative report has concluded the same. Allergen quantities in vaccines are unregulated. Today kids are more atopic. C-section births bias the newborn’s immune system towards IgE synthesis due to sub-optimal gut microbiome [19]. C-section birth rates have gone up 50% in the last few decades. The vaccine schedule has increased the number of vaccine shots to 30-40 and up to five vaccines are simultaneously administered to children. Vaccines also contain adjuvants such as aluminum compounds and pertussis toxin that bias towards IgE synthesis. Given these conditions, the predictable and observed outcome is a food allergy epidemic."
Of course, milk protein intolerances aren't the only intolerances that exist post vaccination.
"Vaccines and injections contain food proteins such as chicken egg, casein, gelatin, soy, agar etc. [12]. They also contain ingredients such as Polysorbate 80 and sorbitol which are manufactured using food sources. Checking with a few suppliers, Polysorbate 80 is sourced from various food items such as coconut, palm, sunflower, tapioca, wheat, corn etc. Other vendors could be using other vegetable oils, legume oils and nut oils as the source for oleic acid used in the manufacture of Polysorbate 80. It is impossible to guarantee that these products do not contain residual allergen proteins from these food sources." (Source)
The authors of Vaccination and allergy: EAACI position paper, practical aspects found that, "Gelatine, a vaccine stabilizer of bovine or porcine origin, has been reported to be responsible for anaphylaxis to some brands of measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and varicella vaccines, and also earlier in Japanese encephalitis and influenza vaccines.
Residual ovalbumin from hen's egg can be present in yellow fever (YF), influenza, MMR, tick‐borne encephalitis (TBE), and some rabies vaccines in various concentrations (Figure 1). Chicken protein in YF vaccine has been reported to be a potential severe problem in chicken‐allergic recipients. Very low concentration of cow's milk proteins may be present in some brands of diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTP) vaccines, and oral polio vaccine (OPV).5
To see vaccines and their ingredients, go here.
In Conclusion
If your child experiences symptoms of CMPI post vaccination it is important that you seek medical guidance. Long-term consequences of this diagnosis can lead to malnutrition as it is, large-scale, related to the inability of the body to digest fat molecules (which our bodies need). You can request an IgG food intolerance test to determine if CMPI exists. Luckily, treatment does exist and is possible so as long as the gut is healed. Your provider may recommend a food enzyme prescription to better help digestion, as well.
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