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Antibiotic Use in Children Correlated to Numerous Negative Health Outcomes

Did you know that antibiotic use in childhood can negatively impact health outcomes for children as they age? This is documented in numerous studies throughout history.

Let's skim through just a few of these studies Per the study, 'Association of Infant Antibiotic Exposure With Childhood Health Outcomes', "(This study included 14,572 children (7026 girls and 7546 boys), of whom 70% (10,220) received at least 1 antibiotic prescription during the first 2 years of life), early antibiotic exposure was associated with an increased risk of:

*childhood-onset asthma *allergic rhinitis *atopic dermatitis *celiac disease *obesity *And attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (hazard ratios ranging from 1.20 to 2.89; P<.05 for all) Moreover, children exposed to antibiotics had a higher probability of having combinations of conditions, particularly when given multiple prescriptions. ( Per 'Early antibiotic use can lead to increased risk of childhood asthma, study suggests', "When babies are given antibiotics, their risk of developing asthma by age 6 may increase by 50 percent." ( Per yet another study, 'A Nationwide Study in Denmark of the Association Between Treated Infections and the Subsequent Risk of Treated Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents' - "antibiotic use was associated with even higher risk for mental illness." Specifically, "Antibiotic use was associated with particularly increased risk estimates.The risk of mental disorders after infections increased in a dose-response association and with the temporal proximity of the last infection. In particular, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, personality and behavior disorders, mental retardation, autistic spectrum disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder, and tic disorders were associated with the highest risks after infections." ( Furthermore, children given more than 10 rounds of antibiotics in childhood have an 80% greater risk of developing non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma (American Journal of Epidemiology - November 15, 2005; 162(10): 965-974) Per yet another study, "Children who received at least one course of antibiotics were at increased risk for developing appendicitis compared with children who were not exposed to antibiotics (adjusted RR = 1.72; 95% CI, 1.61-1.85). The risk ratio increased by 1.04 per course of antibiotics." ( And another: "The use of antibiotics during childhood may increase the risk of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colitis later in life, a new study shows." ( And another: "Antibiotics commonly prescribed to babies may lead to an increased risk of allergies later in childhood, possibly because the medications can affect an infant’s gut bacteria, according to a new research paper.

"The research was published in the medical journal JAMA Pediatrics on Friday. It found that infants who were given antibiotics — penicillin, cephalosporin, sulfonamide or macrolide — had a greater chance of developing allergies such as food allergies, asthma or dermatitis." ( I could go on and on, but hopefully you get the drift. Antibiotic use during childhood has been correlated to numerous negative health outcomes later on in life.

Why is this?

Because antibiotics negatively impact our gut, of which is directly linked to our immune system and brain! Antibiotics are known to not only kill infection-causing bacteria, but also the ‘good’ bacteria our immune system/body needs to protect us from developing allergic or autoimmune diseases. As stated, "Given the multitude of natural alternatives to antibiotics, it is shameful that the medical establishment continues to rely on these drugs, particularly when antibiotic resistant infections are on the rise and killing thousands of people a year. It is further evidence of a backwards medical system that throttles natural medicine to protect Pharma profits."


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